
Luis Guillermo Rosales Bravo

Luis Guillermo Rosales Bravo

Endovascular Surgical Neurorradiology
Patient Demographics: Adult, Elderly

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Make an appointment

  • Clínica AmericanaCatedral, San José, San José, Costa Rica
    14th Avenue, between 1st and Central Street, next to the Clinica Biblica pharmacy. 5 Floor.

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Procedures (3)

General Inquiry
Online Medicine
Lumbar puncture

Medical conditions (39)

Alzheimer's disease
Brain hemorrhage
Facial paralysis
Tourette syndrome
Brain tumor
Cerebrovascular accidents
Cervical pain
Demyelinating diseases
Disorders of sensation in the extremities
Episodes of unconsciousness
Extremity Pain
Eyelid spasms (blepharospasm)
Facial tic (repetitive, nonrhythmic movement)
Fever seizure (febrile convulsion)
Huntington's disease
Involuntary eye movement
Lou Gehrig's disease
Memory disorders
Movement disorder
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Muscular dystrophy (MD)
Sciatic nerve pain
Sleep disorders
Tremor hereditary
Tremors and other involuntary movements
Vascular cerebral disease
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
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General Info

About me

I decided to study Neurology since I was always very interested in everything related to the central and peripheral nervous system. What I enjoy most about my profession is having the opportunity to help users with neurological diseases and help them in their recovery process. Subsequently, I completed postgraduate studies in the specialty of Surgical and Endovascular Neuroradiology to offer users a minimally invasive treatment alternative in the field of Cerebrovascular Disease such as Acute Ischemic Stroke, Cerebral Aneurysms and Cerebrovascular Malformations, among others.


Deutsch, English, Español, français


  • Postgraduate in Interventional Neuroradiology. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. January 2008 - December 2008
  • Specialty in Neurology. Universidad de Costa Rica. August 2001 - August 2005
  • Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology

  • 71st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology - Philadelphia,MA, USA

    May 2019 - May 2019

  • CENDEMEC. Basic Life Support Course

    February 2019 - February 2019

  • Course of Institutional Resources and Strategies of Educational Evaluation in the Formative Processes of the Clinical Areas. Medicine School. Costa Rica university.

    December 2017 - December 2017

  • XXIX Annual Congress of the Ibero-Latin American Society of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (SILAN). San Juan Puerto Rico.

    September 2017 - September 2017

  • 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. Boston

    April 2017 - April 2017

  • Multiple Sclerosis Preceptorship Program. Multiple Sclerosis Reference Unit. Virgin Macarena University Hospital. Sevilla, Spain.

    December 2016 - December 2016

  • 28th Congress of the Ibero-Latin American Society of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology (SILAN). Cartagena Colombia

    August 2016 - August 2016

  • Course Good Clinical Practices, School of Medicine, University of Costa Rica

    July 2016 - July 2016

  • Basic and Advanced Transcranial Doppler Course. European Society of Neurosonology. San Jose Costa Rica

    February 2016 - February 2016

  • 31st Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS). Barcelona España

    October 2015 - October 2015

  • II Meeting Latinoamericano de Neurología. Ciudad de Panamá

    May 2015 - May 2015

  • Time for Chance in Multiple Sclerosis. Latin American Experts Forum. Sao Paulo Brazil

    March 2015 - March 2015

  • Internship

  • Internship

  • Postgraduate Degree

  • Hospital Rotation

  • Hospital Rotation


  • Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica cod. MED5467Active

    Medic and Surgeon - Costa Rica

  • Costa Rican Association of Neuroscience 121
  • Professor - Medicine School, Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica
  • Rosales B. L. Isquemia Cerebral Transitoria y Riesgo de Infarto Cerebral Isquémico. Acta Médica Costarricense. Vol. 48. Número 1. Marzo 2006. Pág.:5-11.
  • Rosales BL et al. Epilepsia Parcial Continua y un Probable Síndrome de Rasmussen. Neuroeje, 2005, Vol. 19 Número 2. Pág.:32-37.
  • Rosales BL et al. Demencia Rápidamente Progresiva. Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Neuroeje.Julio 2007. Vol. 21. Pág: 12-18.
  • Colaborador Capítulo “Manejo de Emergencias Neurológicas” del Manual Práctico de Cuidados Intensivos + Emergencias. Autor: Dr. Oscar Palma. Primera Edición. 2009. Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica.
  • Rosales Bravo et al. : Brain MRI lesions in Neuromyelitis Optica. Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Volumen 5. Número 2. Artículo 4. Octubre 2011.
  • Rosales Bravo et al. Tratamiento Endovascular de aneurisma de la bifurcación de la arteria cerebral media. Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Volumen 7. Artículo 4. Abril-Setiembre 2013. Páginas: 33-37.
  • Rosales L, Torrealba G. Trombosis de senos venosos durales: análisis clínico y neuroradiológico de 10 casos consecutivos en el Hospital México entre enero y diciembre del 2013. Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Volumen 12. Número 2. Artículo 1. Octubre 2018-Abril 2019.
  • Gracia-García F, Treviño-Frenk I, Díaz-Jiménez A, Sirias-Baca AV, Benzadón-Cohen A, Chinchilla-Weinstok D, Coulson-Romero A, Dondis-Camaño D, Echeverri-McCandless A, Garro-Zúñiga M, Martínez-Cerrato J, Mercader-Mateo I, Parajeles-Vindas A, Portillo-Rivera LI, Rodríguez-Montero V, Rosales-Bravo LG, Santos-Pujol B, Triana-Bernal E, Valderrama-Arenilla C, Valverde-Espinoza JA, Vargas-Howell R, Flores J, Sanabria-Castro A. Experience with Fingolimod as an Evidence-based Theraphy in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Central American Case Series. EC Neurology. EC Neurology 11.7 (2019).
  • Rosales-Bravo L. Delivery of healthcare, cardiovascular risk factors, and spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in costa rican population. Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica.2022;16(1):15-28. 0000-0002-0259-0476.